“There has been much talk in the media about national identity. It’s very hard to pin down: there isn’t an instant, easy answer to what Englishness is. We no longer have a clear folk identity, so when we talk about ethnicity it’s always about non-Englishness, about the ‘other’. So I made this piece about England’s past and the giant of maritime power that was the British Empire. It looks like something that’s been dragged out of the sea. I had it cast in bronze to give it the air of an archaeological treasure or an ethnographic artefact, like something you’d find at the British Museum.”
*Grayson Perry’s quote about this artwork (which was used in Boulevard Arts’ VR experience created for Turner Contemporary) is taken from Grayson Perry by Jacky Klein. © 2009 Jacky Klein. Reprinted by kind permission of Thames & Hudson Ltd., London.