Albrecht Dürer, Praying Hands (Betende Hände), c. 1508, Brush, gray and white wash on blue prepared paper, 11 1/2 x 7 4/5 in. Vienna’s Albertina Collection
Today we released our third episode of BLVRD Features:“Albrecht Dürer’s Hands.” If you haven’t downloaded BLVRD Features yet, you are in for a treat. Available in the Apple App Store, BLVRD Features is a free app created to offer a steady-stream of bite-sized augmented reality (AR) experiences exploring fascinating stories of creativity, innovation and expression throughout human history - up through our own day.
“Albrecht Dürer’s Hands,” which allows the user to place several “works of art” in their space, traces the origins of a popular tattoo design back to a drawing by 16th-century German painter and printmaker Albrecht Dürer. Truly a collaborative effort, this AR experience includes recent tattoo designs from 3 artists from around the globe: Ribas xvx (Brazil), Baron Feind (Germany) and Tyler Olson (U.S). It also brings to light another surprising iteration of Dürer’s “praying hands” illustration on the tombstone of a famous pop artist. (Can you guess who?)
So, delve into “Albrecht Dürer’s Hands",” and keep checking back regularly for new content, BLVRD Features is just getting started.
#prayinghands #tattoos #Dürer #BLVRDfeatures #AR