BLVRD Features App: Salvador Dalí Experience Loading Screen. Detail: Apparition of a Face and Fruit Dish on a Beach. 1938. Wadsworth Atheneum. @2021 Salvador Dalí, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Artists Rights Society.
BLVRD Features has partnered with the Wadsworth Atheneum to create another augmented reality experience. Based upon one of the most iconic paintings from the museum’s collection, a 1938 Surrealist work by the provocative Catalan artist Salvador Dalí, this Feature will definitely have you second-guessing what you are seeing.
Is Apparition with Face and Fruit Dish on a Beach of 1938 a still-life or genre scene? Is that a face or the back of a seated woman? A giant hunting dog or a bridge and mountain range? You get the picture! Discover more about the inspirations for this image and what was happening in Europe at the time, and locate the transformed visages of Dalí’s wife Gala and deceased best friend the poet Federico García Lorca hidden with in it.
After placing the painting in your space with AR, break it open, take a deeper look, and put your skills of perception to the test. Download the BLVRD Features App today and get your Surrealism on with Salvador Dalí.